Friday, September 30, 2011
Night Night Blessings by Amy Parker
Night Night Blessings, written by Amy Parker and illustrated Marijan Ramljak, is the newest book in our family’s board book collection. Written in poetic form, the book demonstrates thanksgiving for all of God’s blessings from a child’s perspective. Starting with awakening in the morning and ending at going to bed at night, a child lists all of the blessings they encounter that demonstrate God’s presence in her life. A few things the little girl thanks God for are “yummy food,” “family time,” “a sky full of twinkly stars,” and ends by thanking God
“for the many ways
You sprinkle my days with love.
All these blessings remind me that
You are watching from above. Night Night.”
This is a really cute little book. It is a warm book to read with your child at bedtime. It teaches thankfulness to God for all of the good things in our lives. It also teaches that God is always with us and loves to remind us of His presence in what might seem like little ways to us, but probably big to a child. The illustrations are also soft and pleasant as a nighttime book.
I recommend this book to parents of small children who are looking for something to read to their children at bedtime. It is a great teaching tool and a wonderful way to snuggle up with your little one and make some good memories of mommy or daddy tucking them into bed at night. One thing that occurred to me while reading is that it has pictures of both mommy and daddy together in the book with the child thanking God for family time. If you are a single parent, this might raise some questions for a small child. I just wanted to mention that because I know that is a reality, as much as it hurts my heart.
Overall, this is a very sweet book. Many blessings to you and your family as you make memories together reading!!!
Disclosure Statement: I received this book as part of a free books for bloggers program from Booksneeze. I was not required to give a favorable review. The opinions and thoughts expressed here are entirely my own.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Here Burns My Candle
Okay, so I haven't written a book review before when I am still 54 pages into a 454 page book. Please don't judge.:)
I chose this book because I own several of the author's children's books. They are awesome! The stories are wonderful and I love sharing them with my children every year.
That being said, this book has been a little challenging for me. I am just now starting to get into it a little bit. The author, Liz Curtis Higgs, it appears has done extensive research. Set in 18th century Scotland, the author has taken the story of Ruth from the Bible, and retold it only in a different setting and time period.
The beginning of the book was a little distasteful as the husband of the Ruth character is unfaithful to her and not just with one woman. He has a huge problem. There is enough detail for the text to almost be considered offensive. I would have preferred the author have taken a different route with this. As I pondered what to say for the review, I realized that in the actual text of the Bible there are stories of people who were unfaithful, David for one. I don't think there is as much steamy detail though for minds to feed upon in the Bible.
I am still working on the novel. I haven't totally put it down. I hope the author redeems herself throughout the rest of the text. I did skip ahead and read the last couple of pages, which was much more uplifting.
One last thing; this novel is so well researched it appears that anyone who is enjoys History will probably enjoy this. Some of the language spoken is conducive to the time period and location. I am assuming that the events that are occurring within the pages are also reminiscent to those during 18th century Scotland. If you like historical fiction, and the story of Ruth, this might be the book for you. If you can read a sample somewhere online before you pick up the book.
*Disclosure Notice: I received this book free from Waterbrook Multnomah as part of a free books for bloggers program. I was not required to give a favorable review. The thoughts and opinions expressed here are entirely my own.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
My So-Called Life as a Proverbs 31 Wife by Sara Horn
This book is a memoir of one year in the life of Sara Horn. Sara set out to complete a one-year experiment to live as the Proverbs 31 Wife. I think she did it.
The Proverbs 31 Wife has long been touted from pulpits as the woman Believers should aspire to emulate. I have been one of those women who wanted to be like her, but have so often failed. I am a homeschool mom, with many dreams for my children and myself. I have time during the day to think about this woman and work on putting those principles into practice. In this book, Sara brings the Proverbs 31 Wife into the 21st Century and teaches all women, no matter what their staion, through her successes and failures how we can accomplish such a feat.
I am married with children and I want to bring my husband "good and not harm all the days of his life." I want my children to "rise up and call me blessed." In My So-Called Life as a Proverbs 31 Wife, Sara has brought this woman to life and shown me how I can turn those possibilities into realities. While reading this book, I found myself more aware of my relationship and actions with my husband and children. Was I doing the Proverbs 31 Wife thing to do? No, in many cases no. But I found out how to make just the slightest, smallest change, and it was easily accomplished!
I recommend this book to any woman who has struggled to become more like the Proverbs 31 Wife. As you read about Sara's experience you will learn how your effort no matter how small can do great things and you will be transformed.
I must include this thought as part of my book review. Aside from helping me learn how to put Biblical wisdom in practice, this book also gave me another thought. The Proverbs 31 wife is NOT the only woman in the Bible. There are many honorable women in the Bible: Deborah, Ruth, Mary the mother of Jesus, Abigail, Sarah, Lydia, and on and on. They didn't all live like the Proverbs 31 woman. Every woman has her purpose and place, which is something else you will become aware of as you read this book.
On one final note, I would like to say that Sara saves the most important lesson for last. If you are familiar with the Proverbs 31 Wife, you will know how it ends.
Disclosure: I received this book free from the author as a result of winning a contest. I was not required to give a favorable review. The opinions and thoughts expressed here are entirely my own.
Monday, September 5, 2011
100 Devotions 100 Bible Songs by Stephen Elkins
Do you have a child in your life that you long to share God’s Word with, but need a little guidance as where to start? 100 Read & Sing Devotions is a great book to get you started. Per the title, the book contains 100 devotionals, each one including a song, written devotional, scripture, and a prayer. The book is also arranged in a Biblical order with the devotional material extending from the Old Testament to the New. Also included with the devotional are 2 CD’s that go along with each devotion, the corresponding song number labeled on the page as a guide.
This is a super-cute devotional. I recently had a friend ask me if I could recommend a devotional for her 5 year old son, and I wasn’t very familiar with devotionals, only children’s Bibles. Now I have something to share with her! I believe the content would be appropriate for children ages 3-10.
One example of a devotional you will find is “The Lord Is Good to Me.” The song that goes with it is of the same name as the devotional title. The content is the story of Hannah, and how she was given baby Samuel after she prayed. The scripture is “Wait for the Lord.”-Psalm 27:14. And the prayer is “Lord, You have heard my prayer. Now I will wait on You to answer. Amen.”
As I said in my introduction, I would recommend this book for anyone who would like to teach their child about the Lord and His Word, but doesn’t know where to start. It is a great devotional for anyone with small children. It would also be great for teachers in a church nursery, daycare, or even at school.
Many blessings to you on your journey with the Lord, and the special children in your life!
Disclosure Statement: I received this book free from as part of a free books for bloggers program. I was not required to give a favorable review. The thoughts and opinions expressed here are entirely my own.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The Blessing: Giving the Gift of Unconditional Love and Acceptance by John Trent, PH.D. and Gary Smalley
“This book can put into words what you missed as a child as well as provide practical, hands-on ways of communicating unconditional love and acceptance to your children and loved ones.”
-Excerpt, pg. 5, The Blessing: Giving the Gift of Unconditional Love and Acceptance
I am a parent. I want to be a good parent. I don’t think this knowledge just comes naturally. Parents need tools and education to be that guide down the path that God has planned for their children. In the book, The Blessing: Giving the Gift of Unconditional Love and Acceptance, John Trent, PH.D., and Gary Smalley demonstrate a biblically- based plan for blessing your child, and helping them to become everything God created them to be.
There are five elements of “The Blessing,” including meaningful touch, a spoken message, attaching high value, picturing a special future, and an active commitment. The book is divided into three parts that include “Why Is the Blessing So Important?”, “Understanding the Blessing”, and “When the Blessing Doesn’t Happen.” Each of these three sections elaborates more on the five aspects of “The Blessing” and shows why it is so important.
This is a very important book in my opinion. The Blessing is focused on the parent-child relationship, but it will benefit other relationships as well. “The Blessing” can be applied to a relationship with a spouse, a friend, a co-worker, and anybody who you feel compelled to help achieve God’s very best for their life.
I liked this book very much. I cried frequently while reading it. I could see where “The Blessing” had been missing in my own life, and where I needed to work on applying “The Blessing” with my children. I recommend this to everybody. If you want to improve your relationships with people, this will be helpful to you. If you want insight into your own behavior, this book will help you as well, because you will be able to see where “The Blessing” was missing in your own life, which might bring some healing to your soul.
Many “Blessings” to you as read.
In Him,
Disclaimer: I receieved this book free from Booksneeze as part of a books for bloggers program. I was not required to give a favorable review. The thoughts and opinions expressed here are entirely my own.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
To Die For: A Novel of Anne Boleyn
“You have lived a good life, my dearest, loveliest friend. You have born the weight of England’s Reformation on your shoulders. You have used your influence to place men who stand solely on Scripture”-I looked at her almoner-“throughout the Church of England and they will stand, and lead others, long after you are gone. You have borne a good daughter. You have been a most excellent wife and loyal friend. The rest is now to faith.”
-Meg Wyatt, To Die For: A Novel of Anne Boleyn
I love to read. My mom taught me how to read before I ever entered kindergarten. It has been one of the greatest gifts she has given me. The test of a good book for me is when I am finished, it is bittersweet. Bitter because it is over, but sweet because I got to experience the journey and be a part of the story for just a little bit. For me, To Die For: A Novel of Ann Boleyn, found that bittersweet quality, but in a totally different way. It was sweet because I got to experience the journey. Granted it is a fictional rendering of actual events in history, but still I got to experience the lives of those included during the events surrounding the lives of King Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn. It may also be bitter because it had to end; a novel always does. But it is just a temporary ending, for I know one day the story will continue, only in Heaven, and I and many others will be present, including the late Anne Boleyn.
For a long time, the opinion I held of Anne Boleyn was unfavorable, due to my limited knowledge. She even aggravated me a little throughout the book. But now, that is all changed. Told by her closest friend, Meg Wyatt, To Die For chronicles, in fiction form the pursuit of Anne Boleyn by Henry VIII. This pursuit, as history so clearly states, ultimately results in Anne’s demise. Most powerfully along the way, we are drawn into the Protestant Reformation and its withdrawal from the Roman Catholic Church as authority on all matters related to the Church. Tucked in the story of marriage, reformation, and death, is the forbidden romance of Meg Wyatt and Will Ogilvy, called to be a priest, focused on reform in the church, the scriptures being made available to be read by all.
I truly enjoyed this book. Sandra Byrd’s extensive research on Anne Boleyn is evident in this fictionalized account of her life, marriage, and all those involved in the events of the royal court during the time of Henry VIII. The hand of God is revealed so beautifully by Byrd as she brings to light the role that Anne Boleyn’s life played in the reform. Although the author states that most of the story related to Meg, our storyteller, is fiction, her character is compelling. She has many endearing qualities which keeps the reader cheering for her until the very end.
When I read a book that moves me, I always want more, which prompts further research on my part, to separate the fact from fiction. This is another one of those books! The student of history will enjoy this book. Women who enjoy romance will not be disappointed. Lovers of historical fiction will be overwhelmed. I recommend it to all who wish to learn about an extremely pivotal point in the history of the Church. I hope your heart is touched and your perspective of events in history refreshed. Many blessings as you read!
To read an excerpt from To Die For: A Novel of Anne Boleyn, please visit
To order your own copy of To Die For: A Novel of Anne Boleyn, visit
If you would like to learn more about the author and/or the Tudors, please visit her website at
Disclosure Statement: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to give a favorable review. The thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Faith Deployed...Again
The humility required in allowing others to serve us can be difficult, but so important in our journey of faith. When we allow the body of Christ to support us, we bless others by letting them use the gifts and strengths God has given them to share in His work.-Excerpt from “Held Up” by Bettina Dowell in Faith Deployed…Again
I love being a military wife. I am only just recently coming to this realization. Becoming acclimated to this life has been a real challenge for me. During my last “I’m having a military wife meltdown,” I had a friend tell me to quit struggling against this life and just learn to flow with it. That one little sentence from her and that encouragement from a fellow Christian military wife helped me so much. That is what the reader will find in Faith Deployed… Again.
To read more of my book review of Faith Deployed...Again, please join me over at Wives of Faith.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Book Giveaway Winners
Thank you for participating in the book giveaways this past week everybody! I hope you were encouraged and blessed as you read the reviews!
I have two new winners to announce! I was unable to connect with the first winner of Untamed, so a new name was drawn, and the new winner of Untamed by Lisa Harper is Jennie!!!!
As for the Reader's Choice book giveaway, the winner is Carie! The book she chose and commented on is Praying For Your Future Husband by Robin Jones Gunn and Tricia Goyer!
Congratulations and thank you ladies for participating! Many blessings!
I have two new winners to announce! I was unable to connect with the first winner of Untamed, so a new name was drawn, and the new winner of Untamed by Lisa Harper is Jennie!!!!
As for the Reader's Choice book giveaway, the winner is Carie! The book she chose and commented on is Praying For Your Future Husband by Robin Jones Gunn and Tricia Goyer!
Congratulations and thank you ladies for participating! Many blessings!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Winner of Untamed by Lisa Harper and New Giveaway!
And the winner of Untamed by Lisa Harper is..............
Congratulations! You have until July 4th,2011 to respond, or I will need to draw a new winner. :) Please message me at bethyrev@yahoo with your contact information so I can ship your book!
And now for another giveaway!
I have decided to give away another book from my blog, reader's choice!
What you do:
1. Browse through the book reviews currently on my blog.
2. Decide which one you would like.
3. Leave a comment on that review telling me why you would like to win that book!
A winner will be drawn at random from the readers who have left a comment between the dates of July 1st and July 4th, 2011 12:00 a.m. EST. I will announce the winner on July 5th. I will order and ship a copy of the book with the winning comment. Make sure to check back to see if you win! A new winner will be drawn if I haven't been contacted by July 8th. Many Blessings and Happy Reading!!!
P.S. One of my book reviews is The Homeward Trilogy by Lisa T. Bergren. If you comment on this review, and yours is the winning comment, I WILL send you all 3 books!!! :)
Congratulations! You have until July 4th,2011 to respond, or I will need to draw a new winner. :) Please message me at bethyrev@yahoo with your contact information so I can ship your book!
And now for another giveaway!
I have decided to give away another book from my blog, reader's choice!
What you do:
1. Browse through the book reviews currently on my blog.
2. Decide which one you would like.
3. Leave a comment on that review telling me why you would like to win that book!
A winner will be drawn at random from the readers who have left a comment between the dates of July 1st and July 4th, 2011 12:00 a.m. EST. I will announce the winner on July 5th. I will order and ship a copy of the book with the winning comment. Make sure to check back to see if you win! A new winner will be drawn if I haven't been contacted by July 8th. Many Blessings and Happy Reading!!!
P.S. One of my book reviews is The Homeward Trilogy by Lisa T. Bergren. If you comment on this review, and yours is the winning comment, I WILL send you all 3 books!!! :)
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Untamed: How the Wild Side of Jesus Frees Us to Live and Love with Abandon {Book Review and Giveaway}
"When Jesus added women to His entourage, it provided an aha moment for an entire culture."-Excerpt from the chapter, "A Little Pink in the Party: Our Savior is Wildly Pro-Women"
In the day of ten steps for everything this book, was “wildly” refreshing, a book about Jesus. Untamed: How the Wild Side of Jesus Frees Us to Live and Love with Abandon written by Lisa Harper is a book for the person seeking all that Jesus is. The book had me from the very beginning or more accurately, from “Brace yourself,” the first line in chapter 1. When a book opens like that, one cannot help but be intrigued as to the contents within.
Untamed is divided into twelve chapters, each focusing on a “wild” characteristic of our savior, opening with the subtitle in chapter 1, “Our Savior is Wildly Redemptive,” and closes in chapter 12 with the subtitle, “Our Savior is Wildly Liberating.” The pages in-between consist of the many other characteristics of Jesus, such as Jesus’ ability to be compelling, confident, and faithful. My favorite chapter is entitled “A Little Pink in the Party: Our Savior is Wildly Pro-Women.”
The author Lisa Harper uses wit and passion in conveying her experience in coming to know these characteristics in Jesus and how she has seen them displayed in the lives of people that are close to her. She is extremely open and frank with her own history and her love for Jesus and freedom she has found in Him is compelling.
There were many things I liked about this book. The author’s honesty was sometimes flabbergasting. I am not sure I would be so brave as to say some things that she said, but at the same time it is encouraging to those who may be struggling or need hope in a particular area. Lisa is funny, and enjoys her life. She is also very educated and her book seems to be well researched. I learned so many new things.
I highly recommend this book to young women who want to know the Lord better. At the end of each chapter are questions to help the reader apply what they have read. The book could be used in a young ladies’ group study or with people who may have just confessed Jesus as Lord. This book would also be helpful to someone who has been struggling with a religious perception of Jesus and would like to come to know Him for who He really is.
If you want to know why people came to Him so freely in the New Testament and felt loved and safe, free and healed in His presence, then this book will give you a clue. Many blessings to you as you progress on your journey to know Him more and more each day!
To learn more about the author, Lisa Harper, or to order a copy of her book go here,
To read an excerpt from Untamed, go to
The Giveaway- Thanks to the publisher, I have an extra copy of Untamed! Please comment below to be entered for a chance to win a copy of this wonderful book. Contest ends at midnight EST on June 30th, and one winner will be selected at random. The winner will be announced here on July 1st. If the winner does not contact me by July 4th, a new winner will be drawn! Thanks for participating!
Disclaimer Notice: I received this book as part of a program that gives free books to bloggers at Waterbrook Multnomah. I was not required to give a favorable review. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Goodnight Hawaiian Moon
My husband recently signed reenlistment papers, so we are scheduled to move to Hawaii later this year. In an effort to prepare my children for the move and the new location, I have started buying books on a variety of subjects, including airplanes and Hawaii. One of the books I have purchased is Goodnight Hawaiian Moon by Dr. Carolan, illustrated by his wife Joanna F. Carolan.
Goodnight Hawaiian Moon is a picture book that will help your child gain a better understanding of what life would be like while living in Hawaii. The story is filled with goodnight wishes to much of the plant and animal life that inhabit the islands.
To read more of my review of Goodnight Hawaiian Moon, go here, to Wives of Faith.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
A Reluctant Queen: The Love Story of Esther by Joan Wolf
"...The business of the court was not the business of women, and that was that. Yet Mordecai believed that it was the will of God that had made her Persia's queen. In the deepest part of her own soul, Esther wondered if her uncle was indeed right. There was no other way she could find to account for the incredible events that had befallen her."
When I first began reading this book, I was taken aback by the author changing some of the Biblical facts in the novel. After some outside encouragement, I decided to give the novel another chance. I am so glad I did.
The story of Esther is one of my favorites in the Bible, probably due to the hero actually being a heroine. In the novel, A Reluctant Queen, the author Joan Wolf has created a fictional account of the Biblical story of Esther. At first glance all you many notice is the changing of some Biblical facts. But if you look more closely, you will see the author has done some thorough research. I actually learned some new things while reading the novel, because I did my own research in the Bible and on Persia to see what facts matched up with the novel. I don’t have time to list everything here, but I will give you some examples.
In the novel the Royal family takes a journey to Ecbatana, the capital city of Media. In the fictional story it is a long journey taking many days. I have looked at Biblical archaeological maps, and Ecbatana is an actual city that lies within a mountain range and it appears to be accurately portrayed as to the length of time it would take to arrive there by foot and by horse.
Also, Hatach in the novel is a eunuch assigned to attend to Esther. In the actual account in the Old Testament, Hatach is a real person and is referred to as chamberlain in the King James Version of the Bible. In my research I found out that the word chamberlain would be more accurately translated “eunuch.” This is another example in the novel of an accurate Biblical fact. I had never noticed Hatach before I believe because so much attention is always given to Hegai. These are just but two examples and for brevity’s sake, I won’t go on.
This novel turned out to be my favorite book I have gotten from Booksneeze so far. It was romantic, yes, but there was so much more to it than that. It is a fictional account, without a doubt, but the author did such a beautiful job with the story that it draws you to the scriptures. The character of the king is warm and wise, and I don’t know how she did it, but she developed him to such a point that she made him almost Christ-like. It made me wonder who the savior is in the actual account. Esther? Mordecai? Or was it Ahasuerus (Xerxes), because the Biblical account’s main objective is the salvation and preservation of the Jews?
Usually, I give a list of people I recommend this book for. Not this time. This time I just want to simply say, I recommend this book.
Many blessings to you and Happy Reading!
Jeremiah 29:11
*Disclaimer: I received this book from Booksneeze as part of a free books for bloggers program. I am not required to give a favorable review. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Hawaii by Christine Taylor-Butler is part of the Rookie Read About Geography Series. This series is composed of all 50 states plus Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico. The pages are made up of beautiful photographs and include fast facts about the state of subject. In Hawaii, the reader will learn about the state flower of Hawaii, the meaning of Aloha, animals that inhabit the islands, as well as a lot of other fun filled facts for the explorer heart within your child.
You can read the rest of my review, here, at Wives of Faith.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Praying for Your Future Husband:Preparing Your Heart for His by Robin Jones Gunn and Tricia Goyer
"Dear Lord, I know there may be times in my future husband's life when he doesn't understand what's going on. There may be relationships that bring him hurt. There may be situations in which he doesn't know what to do or where to turn. I pray that in those times he will turn to You, and You will give him direction and peace."
-Excerpt from Chapter 5, "Pray for Understanding"
Praying for Your Future Husband: Preparing Your Heart for His is a book I wish I would have had as a teen and in my single young adult life. I believe it would have given me some direction and purpose while I was waiting for my future husband.
There are so many great elements to this book. The chapters are organized by prayers for different areas of the future husband’s life, but also spend time in focus on the girl/woman too. A few titles include “Pray for His Heart,” “Pray for Patience,” and “Pray for Trust.” Authors Gunn and Goyer also share their journey towards marriage with some of their choices AND mistakes along the way. We also get to hear from other women, and their stories as it relates to their future husband.
I really enjoyed this book. I am already married, but there are many scriptures and prayers that will be useful to me too. Prayer should be a lifelong endeavor to strengthen and help the marriage grow, as I am sure both authors will tell you.
I highly recommend this book for teens. It will help them focus and give them a tool for direction and guidance as they endeavor to fulfill God’s plan for their life as they wait for their future husband. But teens are not only the ones that will benefit. Women who are considered young adults will also benefit exceedingly. I know there are many women out there of “non-traditional” age who would like to get married. I was one of them. This book will be helpful and bless them as well. There is a chapter entitled “Pray for Contentment” that will help retain focus until the time of meeting the future husband. Additionally, this book would make a great Bible study on the subject of singleness and marriage.
This book is not for perfect women. This book is for young ladies who want to follow God and receive His best for them. Many blessings to you on the beautiful journey God has for you and happy reading!
Jeremiah 29:11
You can buy this book from ,, and
Disclaimer: I received this book as part of a program for free books for bloggers from Waterbrook Multnomah. I was not required to give a favorable review. The opinions given here are entirely my own.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Put Your Dream to the Test: 10 Questions to Help You See It and Seize It by John Maxwell
Often people do not know where to begin in achieving their dreams. They might feel incapacitated by low self-esteem or just inability to get a sense of direction. Put Your Dream to the Test by author John Maxwell will give such a person some practical ways to get going. This book is filled with stories of real people who have achieved and/or are on that road to success. Chapter titles include: The Ownership Question, The Passion Question, and The Fulfillment Question. The reader will also find quotes that inspire among the purposeful stories. One of my favorites is “Reality….is the enemy of fantasies but not of dreams.” This quote came from Rudy Ruettiger and is the intro to the chapter, “The Reality Question”, which was a very beneficial chapter for me personally.
Once I heard a teacher say something to the effect of, “There are always two sides to a mountain.” I think that is an accurate description of this book. I enjoyed this book. It has helped me. But for me, it is one side of the mountain. I think this a very practical book in helping people with their part in God’s plan for their life. I would like to have seen more of God’s side of the mountain. (But I think maybe that is another book!) I don’t want it to be left unsaid however that I think John Maxwell is brilliant and fulfilling his plan for his life and is a man committed to God.
I would recommend this book for anybody who needs help getting started in the right direction. There is so much practical advice on steps you can take to ensure you achieve your dream(s). I would suggest however to buy a paperback copy. I read this book in e-book form, which was not the best idea for a person like me, and for this type of book. I would like to have been able to underline and make notes in the margin. Pastors and missionaries will benefit from this book. There is a chapter entitled “The People Question” which discusses how to place the right people around you to fulfill your dream. Many blessings to you as you endeavor to fulfill the dreams God has placed in your heart and happy reading!
Disclaimer: I received this book from as part of a free books for bloggers program. I was not required to give a favorable review and the opinions expressed here are entirely my own.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Daddy Dates: Four Daughters, One Clueless Dad, and His Quest to Win Their Hearts
Wow! What a concept! In his first book, Daddy Dates, author Greg Wright shares his perspective on how to connect with the most important people in your life, besides your spouse, your children! Faced with the task of raising four daughters, Wright shares a portion of his journey in connecting with his daughters by taking them on “daddy dates.” These daddy dates are designed to foster the relationship with his daughters and teach them at the same time. His purpose is to really get to know each one of his daughters while teaching them how the next important man in their life, their future husband, should treat them.
Within the pages of Daddy Dates, you will find insight into how to get creative in getting to know your children. When “dating” his daughters, he always calls them and asks them formally to go out on a date. Then he plans something based on the particular personality and “likes” of the individual daughter. In the back of the book, there is a personality assessment tool for the parent and child. There is also a list and description of different types of dates in case the parent needs help getting started.
I really liked this book. It was full of humor and great ideas. I admire this man’s initiative to be involved in his daughter’s lives and be responsible for the outcome of their future. Although written primarily for dads and daughters, any parent, (or step-parent), can take the contents of the book and apply it to their own relationship with their children. I recommend this book to anybody desiring a better relationship with their children. If you are the wife, and your husband needs some assistance relating to his daughter’s and just doesn’t know where to start, buy him this book.
Many blessings and happy reading!
I received this book free from as part of free books for bloggers program. I was not required to give a favorable review. The opinions expressed are my own.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
what are you waiting for? The One Thing No One Ever Tells You About Sex
what are you waiting for? The One Thing No One Ever Tells You About Sex is a book we have been waiting for about a topic that has not been tackled clearly enough, sex. Author Dannah Gresh in researching this topic has uncovered some fascinating things about God’s purpose for the union that takes place between man and woman.
The book is a combination of many things. First, the author has researched many words found in the original Biblical text and found that they don’t mean exactly what the average person thinks they do. Second, Gresh shares from personal experience her own challenges surrounding this topic within her life and marriage. Finally, Gresh shares on how to follow God’s plan for this sexual union in order to have the healthiest experience a married couple can have.
The author also tackles many tough subjects in this book. It makes me blush a little to even rewrite some of the chapter titles, but here goes! Chapter titles include but are not limited to: “not all sex is the same,” “the lesbian question,” “our porn problem,” and “the line.” All of the chapters were very informative and a super teaching and ministry tool. The one thing in the book I didn’t completely understand was the prayer for breaking soul ties. That is something I will have to further research for myself.
I learned while reading this book! I love it when I find something that teaches me and makes me better. This book gave me a better understanding of God’s purpose(s) for sex. The author tackles some tough topics and answers them with the upmost respect for the reader with a heart of love. I was very impressed by her tact and ability to share what God’s word says, in a non-confrontational manner, with the intent of bringing a hurting person to the light of God’s truth.
I recommend this book for anyone who would like to know more about what God’s Word really says about the subject. It needs to be talked about because God created it and He said that everything He created is GOOD. If you have made mistakes in the past this book can put you on the road to overcoming them. I also think this book would be a helpful tool for parents of tweens and teens. Youth and college age ministry leaders would benefit from reading this book as well.
Disclaimer: I received this book from Waterbrook Multonomah as part of their blogging program in exchange for a book review. I was not required to give a favorable review. The opinions expressed are clearly my own.
The Homeward Trilogy by Lisa T. Bergren
“There is only one consuming fire that does not destroy us,” the man said in a low voice, leaning closer.
Nic frowned. “And that is?”
“God, my friend. If we give God our lives, then He will consume us from the inside out, but we will not be destroyed. We will become more than what we were, not less. Part of the fire.”
-Excerpt from Sing, Book 2 in The Homeward Trilogy
The Homeward Trilogy, by Lisa T. Bergren, composed of the three novels Breathe, Sing, and Claim, is set in 1880’s Colorado when Colorado was still young. In the first novel Breathe, we are introduced to three siblings, Odessa, Moira, and Nic, heirs of St. Clair Press, a publishing company in Philadelphia. Chapter 1 finds them on a train as they make their way from Philadelphia to Colorado Springs, Colorado, seeking “the cure” for Odessa St. Clair who is suffering from tuberculosis, what is then known as “consumption.” From the very beginning, the family is on adventure that will change the course of their lives forever.
The Homeward Trilogy can by classified in my opinion into several different genres, historical fiction, Christian fiction, a romance novel with an element of a western about it. A citizen of Colorado Springs, Colorado, Mrs. Bergren has definitely done her research in composing these three novels and that is evident in her detailed descriptions of scenery, dress, and of the events that take place throughout the trilogy. The incidents and experiences of the three main characters are reminiscent of when Colorado was young, during a time of growth when men and women valued the land and the contents therein.
The setting for the novel is mainly Colorado, but within the pages, you will also find excursions through Paris, South America, and various other places across the United States.
In regards to Christian fiction, we follow the characters along their journey as they develop in their awareness of God and His relentless pursuit and care of them. The reader is reminded of the great love God has for each of us and His patient endurance in capturing our heart.
I really enjoyed reading these books. It was something new for me. In the past, I have mostly read contemporary Christian fiction and what would be considered chick lit for Christian women as well. But these novels were such a nice surprise for me. It opened up a whole new genre for me of which I will be reading more. Once I picked each one of these novels up, it was difficult for me to put them down. When I had completed Claim, the final one, it was sad because I had come to the end and there was no more of the character’s lives left for me to experience.
I would definitely recommend these novels to anyone who likes to travel or who wants to learn more about the United States. If you enjoy the mystery of God being unveiled in a person’s life, you will also enjoy these books. If you like a western and all the action that includes, good guys versus bad guys, guns and violence, you will find this trilogy appealing.
I received these books as part of a Christmas giveaway in December of 2010. They were a gift and I did not receive them in exchange for a review. However, I did enjoy them so upon completion I decided to write this review and share my thoughts in order to give others an opportunity to enjoy them as well. When I decided to write this review, I messaged the author, requesting an author interview to include as part of my review. Mrs. Bergren graciously agreed to answer my questions and here is what I found out:
> 1. Have you always wanted to be a writer? At what point in your life did you know that God was going to use you in this way?
I always thought it'd be fun. But it wasn't until I had published more than five books that I could even begin to dare to dream that it was anything more than a fluke...that God might intend to use my writing for his glory--and then dare to ask him to continue to make a way for me.
> 2. How do you choose the names of the characters in your fiction? (I know this is a random question. Just curious.)
I consult baby name books and the Internet--for instance, you can find popular names in 1880, or medieval men's names from Italy, by region. Gotta love the resources at our fingertips these days. For my books set abroad, I try to choose names we English speakers can pronounce without too much difficulty--I know that makes readers crazy!
> 3. Do you pray during the writing process?
I do. But I could certainly be more consistent about it. I tend to pray when I'm stuck, mostly! I've been praying a lot about my next YA series (I'm writing a new adult series based on the Grand Tour for the rest of this year), asking him to give me vision, scope, and a publisher.
> 4. In the last novel of the trilogy, Claim, it seems God is more forefront than in the other two. Can you share a little bit about that?
I think God always emerges slowly through my trilogies, becoming more apparent with each one. Just as the characters become more fleshed out and known, so does God become. I never want faith to be a heavy-handed element. For me, it has to be natural, believable with the characters. Nic was on the run for a long time, and had a lot to deal with, before he was really ready to go a few rounds with God, as he does in CLAIM. The same has happened with his sister--she really has to hit bottom before she's ready to reach up. So it doesn't come together until book 3, which felt natural to me. Fast conversions rarely read as "real" to me. People tend to wrestle with the Holy for a long while before they finally admit the need we all feel, whether it's recognized yet or not.
> 5. Tell us about the role your faith plays in your writing.
My faith is as much a part of me as breathing. And yet some days/months I'm quiet, listening, absorbing. Others I feel led to be more bold. Just depends on what he puts on my heart, when. Right now, I've been called to write YA, a genre which is full of a lot of darkness. Because I really want to reach out to the world through my YA fiction, that faith element has to be really subtle. But it will grow as God leads.
> 6. Do you write because you have a message or does the message emerge as you write?
The message emerges as I write, as I get to know the characters, their struggles, their triumphs. Most readers can smell message-driven fiction a mile away and find it unattractive. What readers want most is a story, a great story they can invest in, and then to learn along with the characters. So for me, it has and always will be, secondary. Which isn't to say that I don't look forward to God illuminating what he's trying to teach me through the process...that's one of my favorite parts. I learn, right along with the readers, as my characters do.
To find out more about Lisa T. Bergren, you can go to
You can purchase a novel from The Homeward Trilogy at,,, or directly from the publisher at
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Regret Free Parenting: Raise Good Kids and Know Your're Doing it Right
Regret Free Parenting: Raise Good Kids and Know You're Doing it Right ,by author Catherine Hickem,LCSW, is a solid book that will give you additional insight to become the parent God created you to be. Mrs. Hickem has years of experience interacting with parents and children through such roles as a pastor’s wife, school counselor, and most importantly mom. She is the founder of Intentional Moms, a national ministry, devoted to supporting and strengthening mothers.
Written for mothers, this book will be a useful asset in your parenting library. Based upon the premise of parenting with the big picture in mind, Hickem arms you with tools to become the best parent you can be. The foundation of her wisdom is derived from God’s Word, of which God is the author, and He is the ultimate parent. As you read, you will learn how to become an intentional parent, and understand the necessity of being a healthy parent so you can have the confidence and assurance you are making good choices for your children.
I enjoyed this book. It is full of information that will help a mom at any stage in her parenting. That being said, I would recommend reading it with a pen in hand, to underline, make notes, etc. You will want to be able to remember where help specific to you is located, and find it easily. My favorite chapter was probably the last one where she spends a lot of time discussing God in our lives as parents. At the end of the book, you will find a Regret- Free Parenting Plan, as well as some additional resources to help you in your life as an intentional mom. Happy Reading!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com
Friday, February 11, 2011
Sisterchicks Say Ooh La La!
Set in Paris, France, the city of love, Sisterchicks Say Ooh La La! definitely gets down to the heart of things. Written by Robin Jones Gunn, Sisterchicks Say Ooh La La! is one in a series of novels for women that will take you on an adventure emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Follow the Father heart of God as you travel along with Lisa and Amy on their sisterchicks adventure through Paris.
You can read the rest of my book review here at Wives of Faith.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Six Ways to Keep the "Little" in Your Girl
“Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older they will not leave it.”-Proverbs 22:6
I have daughters. One of my key responsibilities and joys in this life is to train them up in the way they should go. I am always seeking to increase my wisdom and knowledge as a parent. Six Ways to Keep the Little in Your Girl written by author Dannah Gresh is a book that I believe will help me to achieve that admonition from the Lord.
Written for moms of girls who are in their tween years, Six Ways will help you gain insight into Biblical principles and teach you how to apply that knowledge in practical ways.
To read more of this book review of Six Ways to Keep the "Little" in Your Girl, come on over to Wives of Faith.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
The Ultimate DVD Read and Share Bible, Volume Two
The Ultimate DVD Read and Share Bible, Volume Two is an excellent resource for parents of small children. Based upon the International Children’s Bible, the Read and Share Bible is paraphrased in such a way that children can understand and will be engaged. Included in this children’s Bible are 100 Bible stories including the stories of Joseph, Moses, Solomon, Elijah, Jonah, and most importantly Jesus. Two DVDs also accompany this Bible. On each DVD you will find brief stories to give your child another visual experience while they are learning these important foundational stories of the Bible.
When I first received this children’s Bible, I was a little unsure about it. I was not very fond of the illustrations at first. But as I spent some time and looked through the pages, and watched the DVDs with my children, it grew on me. The stories are paraphrased in a very engaging way. At the end of each story, there is either a statement or question to help the child reflect on what he/she has just read. This is also helpful to the parent if they are unsure in what way to guide or discuss the story with their child. Each of the stories on the DVD is very brief, but very powerful as a tool to reinforce the truths they learn while reading the stories. The teaching aspect is something that is very important to me.
I recommend this Bible to parents of small children ages 2-10. The product details from a well known bookseller indicate the reading level at ages 4-8, but I believe you can start reading the stories with your children a little earlier than that, and continue as long as their interest remains in this particular format. The Bible commends parents in Proverbs 22:6 to “Train up a child in the way in the way he should go and when he is older he will not turn from it.” This Read and Share Bible is another tool to help parents to do just that. I believe it will be a valuable tool to be shared in time together learning about the Bible as a family. I am thankful I found this Bible. I had been looking for a resource that contained only the Bible stories in video format. I believe it is extremely important to teach children the basic stories of the Bible while they are young. We all learn through stories. If you are a home school mom, a preschool teacher, a children’s church worker, this Read and Share Bible will be valuable to you as you teach the children in your life. Many Blessings!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com

Saturday, January 15, 2011
Voices of the Faithful, Book 2
The stories of missionaries on the field have always been of great interest to me. Anytime a missionary ever came to a church I was attending, I was on the edge of my seat. Voice of the Faithful, Book 2, compiled by Kim P. Davis, and created by Beth Moore, is a devotional full of these stories.
Created to be a 365 day devotional, Voices of the Faithful, Book 2 contains stories and prayers from missionaries spanning the entire globe. This devotional is divided into sections, categorized by months, containing a new topic for each month. Topics include “Divine Appointments,” “Lessons for the Young,” and “Hope for the World.” The daily devotionals contain a scripture, story from a missionary, and a prayer by that missionary at the end that you can pray as well.
I especially enjoyed the introduction by Beth Moore. Her heartfelt passion for the missionaries is displayed in eloquence. In her usual teaching fashion, she explains the heart of God in the lives of the missionaries contained in these pages. As I read through the pages, I was touched by the courage and persistence of the missionaries as well as their ability to learn from mistakes as they continue in the work God has called them to.
If you would like to go to the mission field, but for whatever reason, are not on that path at the moment, I recommend this book. It will give you an opportunity to sow into the lives of other missionaries through the daily prayers you lift up to God on their behalf. This is not a Bible teaching devotional, so if that is what you are looking for, you might want to select another book to meet that need. As I was reading, in my desire to learn and experience the life of a missionary, I was a little disappointed with the lack of details about each individual life. There are details, but I am sure that for the safety of the missionaries and the people they are serving, information must be limited. Voices of the Faithful, Book 2 will be an asset to anyone who desires to serve God and His heart, “who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Created to be a 365 day devotional, Voices of the Faithful, Book 2 contains stories and prayers from missionaries spanning the entire globe. This devotional is divided into sections, categorized by months, containing a new topic for each month. Topics include “Divine Appointments,” “Lessons for the Young,” and “Hope for the World.” The daily devotionals contain a scripture, story from a missionary, and a prayer by that missionary at the end that you can pray as well.
I especially enjoyed the introduction by Beth Moore. Her heartfelt passion for the missionaries is displayed in eloquence. In her usual teaching fashion, she explains the heart of God in the lives of the missionaries contained in these pages. As I read through the pages, I was touched by the courage and persistence of the missionaries as well as their ability to learn from mistakes as they continue in the work God has called them to.
If you would like to go to the mission field, but for whatever reason, are not on that path at the moment, I recommend this book. It will give you an opportunity to sow into the lives of other missionaries through the daily prayers you lift up to God on their behalf. This is not a Bible teaching devotional, so if that is what you are looking for, you might want to select another book to meet that need. As I was reading, in my desire to learn and experience the life of a missionary, I was a little disappointed with the lack of details about each individual life. There are details, but I am sure that for the safety of the missionaries and the people they are serving, information must be limited. Voices of the Faithful, Book 2 will be an asset to anyone who desires to serve God and His heart, “who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the

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